Foamstream: The Green Alternative to Glyphosate Herbicides

As the world becomes more conscious of the environmental impact of conventional herbicides, it’s time to consider a greener and safer alternative for weed management. Foamstream by Weedingtech offers an innovative solution that provides numerous benefits when compared to traditional glyphosate herbicides.

The Glyphosate Conundrum

Glyphosate-based herbicides, such as Roundup, have long been the standard choice for weed control. However, mounting evidence suggests that glyphosate can have harmful effects on both the environment and human health. Here’s why you should consider making the switch to Foamstream:

1. Environmental Friendliness

Glyphosate-based herbicides can have detrimental effects on ecosystems. Runoff from treated areas can contaminate water sources, harming aquatic life. In contrast, Foamstream is environmentally friendly. It relies on hot water, steam, and a biodegradable foam, leaving no harmful chemical residues in the environment.

2. No Herbicide Resistance

Over-reliance on glyphosate has led to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, making weed management increasingly challenging. Foamstream doesn’t contribute to herbicide resistance, providing a sustainable and effective, long-term solution.

3. Safety for Humans and Pets

Glyphosate herbicides have raised concerns about potential health risks to humans and animals. Foamstream eliminates these concerns. It doesn’t use toxic chemicals, ensuring the safety of those applying it and anyone in the treated area.

4. Targeted Weed Control

Glyphosate herbicides can’t differentiate between weeds and desirable plants, often leading to unintended damage. Foamstream, on the other hand, provides targeted control, eliminating weeds without harming nearby vegetation.

5. Reduced Environmental Impact

Glyphosate-based herbicides have been associated with the decline of beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies, which are crucial for pollination. Foamstream helps protect these vital pollinators by avoiding the collateral damage associated with chemical herbicides.

How Foamstream Works

Foamstream technology combines hot water, steam, and foam to effectively kill weeds. The hot water and steam destroy plant cells, while the foam insulates the heat, ensuring a thorough and lasting effect. This approach targets the weed’s root system, preventing regrowth.

Making the Switch

Switching from glyphosate-based herbicides to Foamstream is a smart choice for environmentally conscious individuals and organisations. Here’s how to get started:

1. Assess Your Needs: Evaluate your weed management requirements and consider Foamstream’s versatility for various applications, from urban areas to agriculture.

2. Invest in Equipment: Acquire the necessary Foamstream equipment. While there may be an initial investment, it can lead to cost savings in the long run due to reduced herbicide purchase and application costs. Equipment rental is also available.

3. Training: Ensure that personnel are trained in using Foamstream equipment properly to maximise its effectiveness. Training is simple and quick to complete.

4. Implement a Sustainable Approach: Incorporate Foamstream into your weed management practices, and gradually phase out glyphosate-based herbicides to reduce environmental impact.

Switching from traditional glyphosate herbicides to Foamstream by Weedingtech Australia is a step toward a greener and safer approach to weed management. It offers numerous benefits, from environmental friendliness to enhanced safety for humans and animals. As we prioritise sustainable practices, Foamstream stands as a responsible choice for weed control, aligning with a commitment to safer weed management, a healthier planet and our future generations.

Contact us today to discuss how Foamstream by Weedingtech Australia can support your weed management practices.


Not just for weeds… Urban cleaning with Foamstream

Foamstream urban cleaning

Of course, we love to talk up the sustainable weed management credentials of Foamstream given that it’s the world’s leading herbicide-free solution. Less spoken about, but just as impressive, are the urban cleaning and sanitisation capabilities of the Foamstream system.

Clean and well-maintained community spaces have a transformative effect on the well-being of residents and the experience of visitors. These spaces include parks, streets, beaches, and public facilities, and they serve as hubs of social interaction, leisure, and relaxation. A commitment to urban cleaning goes beyond aesthetics; it reflects a commitment to the health and happiness of the community. Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, emphasises this point: “Clean and vibrant community spaces are the heart of our city. They create a sense of pride and belonging among residents, and they leave a lasting impression on our visitors.”

This is where Foamstream comes in. It can be used for many cleaning and sanitisation tasks such as gum removal, street cleaning and power washing. Local authorities and contractors can use Foamstream to clean benches, street signs, bins and even remove moss and algae from smooth metal and plastic surfaces.

Foamstream pavement cleaningFoamstream delivers a thorough clean at a low-pressure, eliminating the risk of surface damage associated with conventional high-pressure systems. Conventional pressure washers have a temperature of around 50°c / 122°F, whereas Foamstream has the unique advantage of a lower-pressure solution with an elevated temperature. Foamstream can also be used at a high pressure setting, matching the capabilities of pressure washers and effectively cleaning dirt and grime on harder surfaces. Unlike traditional pressure washers, Foamstream will sanitise the affected area using its patented heat process as opposed to merely moving pathogens from point A to point B.

Foamstream can also be used for general cleaning tasks such as outdoor seating areas, children’s play parks and more. Given that Foamstream is herbicide-free, there’s no need to cordon off treatment areas prior to, during, or after treatment, as the product is safe for people, animals and delicate ecosystems. In addition, it can be used on flat and vertical surfaces too, making it highly effective, versatile, and user-friendly.

Call us on 1300 866 911 today for a discussion about or demonstration of Foamstream’s amazing cleaning and sanitsation capabilities.


5 reasons Australian councils should be using Foamstream

The Australian Weeds Strategy 2017-2027 was implemented to translates biosecurity and other related policies into a strategy that governments, landholders, industry and the community can use to guide weed planning and management. The strategy supports three national goals: prevention, detection and early intervention; minimise the impact of established weeds; and enhance Australia’s capacity and commitment to weed management.

For local governments, the strategy lists a number of responsibilities including:

· Exercise statutory duties to encourage responsible weed management

· Manage weed problems on local government land in a responsible way, in co-operation with other landowners

· Represent community interests in weed management

· Support the activities of local groups undertaking weed management

· Assist with data collection and information exchange

· Develop and adopt ‘good neighbour’ policies, where appropriate, to help reduce the spread and impacts of high risk weed species

· Support and build public awareness about weed issues

For decades, the status-quo in weed control has been herbicides, and in particular the market-leading option, glyphosate. However, there has always been an underlying debate around whether it is or isn’t safe to use. In recent years, concern has grown larger in light of scientific research and studies that have been carried out around the impact of the chemical on human health and in a bid to prove or disprove its toxicity.

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, IARC, declared that, based on observational studies, animal studies and test tube studies, glyphosate is a ‘probable human carcinogen’ – meaning it could potentially cause cancer. Concerns have risen out of the chemical’s link to health and the increasing exposure of the chemical to people, animals and waterways in public spaces.

Many councils are therefore consciously looking to herbicides alternatives in a bid to move away from their reliance on herbicides in their communities, whether under duress from public petition and changes in legislation, or as their statutory duty of care to their residents and the environment.

Foamstream’s primary objective was to enable those wanting to make the move away from herbicide reliance to do so as simply and cost-effectively as possible. It provides them with a safe, effective alternative to use in public spaces like schools, parks, playgrounds, residential and other urban areas.

There are many alternative herbicide-free solutions available on the market, however Foamstream offers councils a number of benefits to help solve the key organisational challenges they are faced with when looking to make a policy which moves away from herbicides:


Foamstream requires less annual treatment cycles than any other alternative on the market. This is due to the insulating foam blanket which helps hold the heat in the hot water on the plant for longer, providing a more effective kill rate. This, combined with sterilising surrounding seeds and spores to reduce future regrowth, means that Foamstream becomes the most effective alternative solution.

With instantaneous results and visible foam cover, operators can also see where they have treated ensuring they don’t waste time covering the same area twice. Multi-functionality, provided by the ability to use Foamstream not only to control unwanted vegetation but also to tackle street cleaning tasks such as gum removal and power washing, allows councils to spread capital costs across multiple departments within their organisation.


Foamstream has many benefits over other alternative methods, as well as over glyphosate. As Foamstream can be used in all weather and on all surfaces, all year round, it allows labour to be effectively planned and allocated. This reduces costly downtime and allows for the definite planning of tasks and operations.


Foamstream has been approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). It’s environmentally-friendly credentials make it 100% safe for use around people, animals, waterways and delicate ecosystems, eliminating the chance of causing potential harm to residents and their community.


Foamstream requires no on-going operator certification, protective clothing, or specialist training – helping eliminate additional costs attributed to traditional methods of vegetation control. Councils can easily and simply implement Foamstream with little to no training due to its intuitive operating system. This means councils can start using Foamstream systems straight after delivery of their machinery ensuring no time is wasted.


Councils who have already implemented Foamstream as part of their herbicide-free strategy have received positive publicity for their decision, as well as positioning them as forward-thinking authorities who are conscious of resident’s health. This includes receiving positive feedback from the residents themselves on the emotional impact of using Foamstream systems.

The use of Foamstream allows councils an opportunity to publicise their borough in a positive way by supporting environmentally friendly credentials and promoting greener, cleaner and safer green and urban spaces for their residents.

We offer free Foamstream demonstrations, and have a number of special rent before you buy deals available for councils ahead of growing season, so contact us today on 1300 866 911 or to learn how we can support your weed management operations in a cost-effective, safe and herbicide-free way.


Meet the Weedingtech Australia team – Rob Evans

Rob Evans Weedingtech Australia

It’s time for a bit of ‘getting to know you’ with the Weedingtech Australia team! First up is Rob, our Sales Executive who is usually the first point of contact for new customers – find why did he make the switch from automotive sales to Foamstream, and why he wants to have Lewis Hamilton round for dinner.

Having been with Weedingtech Australia for 5 months, what’s the best part of your job?
The best part of working with Weedingtech over the past 5 months would have to be the excitement of learning a new industry. It has also been really rewarding working with a business from the ground up, and working with a product that has a positive impact on the environment and it’s users.

Why did you make the switch from automotive sales to Foamstream?
After working in the automotive industry I discovered that my passion was in sales, more particularly dealing with people. Although working with working with cars was a lot of fun and without a doubt an exciting career, the idea of working with Weedingtech and selling a product that is promoting sustainability and providing greener alternatives to traditional herbicides was something that excited me and that I’ve found easy to get very passionate about.

How is it working with your brother and dad on a daily basis?
At the beginning I was a little bit nervous about working with the family as you do hear some horror stories about family and friends working together. We have, however, always been a very close family and I feel as if working together has actually brought us closer. Working with Sam has also been great as we have opposite skill sets which has also helped both of us to develop. I’m really looking forward to having Sam join us in in a full-time role over the next few months.

What does a typical day at work look like for you?
With Weedingtech still being in its early stages a lot of my day-to-day task are simply trying to push the product and build awareness of Foamstream.

Which Foamstream feature do customers get most excited about during a demonstration?
Most of our demos have a main focus on weed management and our clients are usually very impressed with how quickly Foamstream kills off vegetation (within 48 hours). A lot of the people we deal with are also impressed with how effective Foamstream is compared to other herbicide-free treatments they’ve tried.

With the Foamstream units being built as a multi-purpose machine, often we go to contractors for demos they are really impressed with the machine’s capabilities as a hot water pressure cleaner as well since this offers them multiple streams of income.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen/has happened during a Foamstream demonstration?
I wouldn’t say we’ve had any weird things happen yet but we are still early on, so I’m sure that this will happen and I’m looking forward to it! We have had some moments where members of the public have come up to complain about spraying herbicide during our demos with councils,  which has been great timing since it allows me to have a conversation with them and the client about the sustainable benefits of the product.

Why should people make the switch from traditional herbicides to Foamstream for weed management?
I could write you “War and Peace” on this point, but I’ll keep it short and sweet. With the amount of studies that are coming out about the environmental impacts of traditional herbicides such as glyphosate, along with the potential impacts on human health and animal health, I believe that it is a no-brainer for people to reduce their reliance on these products as much as possible. Foamstream offers the perfect solution to be able to do this.

What does the dream weekend look like?
An ideal weekend for me is nice weather, a game of golf and watching whatever sport is on with my mates.

What is your bucket list destination?
I do have a few of these ,but the top three that I’d love to tick off some day are – skiing in Japan, learning to scuba dive and visiting the Galapagos Islands.

Which three people (living or dead) would you have at your dream dinner party and why?
1. Will Ferrel – just to throw some comedy in there.
2. Lewis Hamilton – I’m a big F1 fan from when I worked with Mercedes, and also think he’s a super interesting person with all the charity work he does.
3. David Chang, (celebrity chef) – someone would have to cook the dinner, and he also seems like a funny bloke.

How would your mates describe you?
It depends who you ask but I think that my mates would describe me as a bit of fun! I’m always for an activity, but in general I think they’d say I’m a happy personand always down for a bit of a laugh.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
I really can’t think of anything for this because I’m not really someone who gets embarrassed too easily since I’m usually doing something pretty silly!


Does Foamstream have a negative impact on soil microbes?

One of the more frequent questions we get when demonstrating Foamstream is around whether the use of heat alongside the biodegradable, herbicide-free foam can cause alterations in soil microbe populations.  

The short answer is, no. The Weedingtech Australia Foamstream weed management application takes place purely at a surface level and does not penetrate the soil to a depth of more than 1mm. When applied and sustained by the insulating foam, the heat from the hot water reaches the weed root by traveling through the plant, not the soil. Soil is a poor conductor of heat, hence it’s use in building ovens and houses throughout history. The hot water and foam do not remain in the soil for long periods, and the biodegradable foam breaks down quickly leaving no residual chemicals in the soil. For these reasons, there is no evidence to suggest that the use of Foamstream will impact soil microbe populations.  

Many consider the use of Foamstream as positive for the soil microbiome. When weeds are killed, they return to the soil and act as an organic compost for the soil. Given that Foamstream kills weeds using water and a plant-based foam, it enriches the soil microbiome.  See the below illustration of the Foamstream process:  

Foamstream lifecycle

Interestingly, given its prevalence, there has been very little research into the impact of the use of glyphosate on the soil. Whilst there has been wide-spread investigation into the effects of glyphosate on human health, scientists are now concerned that we don’t know enough about the ecological safety of glyphosate, how it interacts with the natural environment and living organisms, and what happens as it breaks down. 

To date scientific studies about the impact of glyphosate on soil micro-organisms have provided contrasting results. Some have not found any threat from glyphosate, whilst other research shows effects that are of concern. These include impacts on the diversity, function and structure of the communities of microbes that live in the soil, and that are vital to soil health, especially when the herbicide is used regularly. Glyphosate can lead to the accumulation of nutrients such as phosphorus, which can lead to eutrophication and water quality problems in nearby bodies of water. In addition, glyphosate can persist in the soil for long periods, leading to potential long-term effects on soil health. 

Not only is Foamstream certified organic by the British Soil Association, Organic Farmers and Growers, alongside other organic certifications in Europe and the USA – the world-renowned Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, UK has done extensive testing on Foamstream’s interaction with soil microbes and deemed it safe.    

The best way to experience Foamstream is to book a demo by either calling 1300 866 911 or 


Protecting plants, and nursery owners, with Foamstream

Nurseries provide the perfect conditions for weed germination thanks to the combination of moist air and fertile soil. This often means that nursery owners are spending a lot of time, money and effort to control weeds on their property – all whilst having to protect and grow their inventory.

Foamstream being used in a nursery setting

Traditionally, herbicides such as glyphosate would be used by nursery owners to control unwanted weeds. Last year, an Australian-first study by researchers from The University of Queensland found that 8% of urine samples drawn from the general public contained traces of glyphosate – which can be ingested in food or water, or inhaled or absorbed through the skin when using weed killer products.

The great news for nursery owners and operators is that Foamstream offers more than just herbide-free weed control and vegetation management, it is also used as an organically-approved fungicide that can be used to control the various moss and algae varieties that grow in the nursery environment.

Now available in Australia through Weedingtech Australia for demonstration, rental and sales, Foamstream is the world’s leading weed-control solution. Herbicide-free, non-toxic and made of completely natural ingredients, Foamstream is safe and doesn’t require environmental permits for use. As it’s chemical-free, Foamstream can be used freely with no concern of contamination.

The benefits of using Foamstream over traditional herbicides in a nursery setting are numerous:

  • It is safe for use by operators, and those who purchase the plants
  • Reduces the risk of inventory damage that can be caused by the use of glysphosate
  • Sprayable in any weather
  • Instant results and a reduced number of treatments per year
  • Variable lance sizes allowing for treatment between plants and pots
  • It can also be used to deep clean, sanitise and decontaminate

Foamstream works by subjecting weeds to high temperatures, ensuring that the plant is either killed or severely damaged in the process. The insulating layer of our patented foam works as a thermal blanket over the hot water, which makes sure this process is able to take place.

Nursery and vineyard owners throughout Australia should contact us today on 1300 866 911 or to discuss how Foamstream can support their business through the safe, cost and resource-efficient management of weeds and unwanted vegetation.


Rent the world’s leading weed-control solution

Did you know that we offer the world’s leading weed-control solution, Foamstream, for rent? Given the performance of Foamstream, and therefore the reduced number of treatment required per year, renting from Weedingtech Australia could provide the perfect option for those needing a high performing and environmentally friendly weed management solution. Pricing for our rental units is as follows:

$250 + GST – DAILY*
$900 + GST – WEEKLY*
$2,700 + GST – MONTHLY*
*plus Foamstream – $18 per kg

Foamstream rental by WeedingTech Australia

As part of the rental package, customers receive the latest high-specification machinery and full technical training. Discounts can be discussed for longer-term rentals. Our Foamstream machines represent great value when you consider their sustainable weed management strengths alongside the additional uses relating to outdoor cleaning tasks including power washing, gum removal and sanitisation.

Renting a Foamstream machine also gives you the perfect opportunity to ‘try before you buy’. Foamstream works by subjecting weeds to high temperatures, ensuring that the plant is either killed or severely damaged in the process. The insulating layer of our patented foam works as a thermal blanket over the hot water, which makes sure this process is able to take place.

Foamstream can be used in any weather and offers instant results. Do to it’s effectiveness, using Foamstream will undoubtedly result in a reduced number of treatments per year – saving you both time and resource. Most importantly, Foamstream is herbicide-free and therefore safe for both operators and those visiting treated areas. Contact us today on 1300 866 911 or to discuss renting the world’s leading sustainable weed management solution!