Meet the Weedingtech Australia team – Rob Evans

Rob Evans Weedingtech Australia

It’s time for a bit of ‘getting to know you’ with the Weedingtech Australia team! First up is Rob, our Sales Executive who is usually the first point of contact for new customers – find why did he make the switch from automotive sales to Foamstream, and why he wants to have Lewis Hamilton round for dinner.

Having been with Weedingtech Australia for 5 months, what’s the best part of your job?
The best part of working with Weedingtech over the past 5 months would have to be the excitement of learning a new industry. It has also been really rewarding working with a business from the ground up, and working with a product that has a positive impact on the environment and it’s users.

Why did you make the switch from automotive sales to Foamstream?
After working in the automotive industry I discovered that my passion was in sales, more particularly dealing with people. Although working with working with cars was a lot of fun and without a doubt an exciting career, the idea of working with Weedingtech and selling a product that is promoting sustainability and providing greener alternatives to traditional herbicides was something that excited me and that I’ve found easy to get very passionate about.

How is it working with your brother and dad on a daily basis?
At the beginning I was a little bit nervous about working with the family as you do hear some horror stories about family and friends working together. We have, however, always been a very close family and I feel as if working together has actually brought us closer. Working with Sam has also been great as we have opposite skill sets which has also helped both of us to develop. I’m really looking forward to having Sam join us in in a full-time role over the next few months.

What does a typical day at work look like for you?
With Weedingtech still being in its early stages a lot of my day-to-day task are simply trying to push the product and build awareness of Foamstream.

Which Foamstream feature do customers get most excited about during a demonstration?
Most of our demos have a main focus on weed management and our clients are usually very impressed with how quickly Foamstream kills off vegetation (within 48 hours). A lot of the people we deal with are also impressed with how effective Foamstream is compared to other herbicide-free treatments they’ve tried.

With the Foamstream units being built as a multi-purpose machine, often we go to contractors for demos they are really impressed with the machine’s capabilities as a hot water pressure cleaner as well since this offers them multiple streams of income.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen/has happened during a Foamstream demonstration?
I wouldn’t say we’ve had any weird things happen yet but we are still early on, so I’m sure that this will happen and I’m looking forward to it! We have had some moments where members of the public have come up to complain about spraying herbicide during our demos with councils,  which has been great timing since it allows me to have a conversation with them and the client about the sustainable benefits of the product.

Why should people make the switch from traditional herbicides to Foamstream for weed management?
I could write you “War and Peace” on this point, but I’ll keep it short and sweet. With the amount of studies that are coming out about the environmental impacts of traditional herbicides such as glyphosate, along with the potential impacts on human health and animal health, I believe that it is a no-brainer for people to reduce their reliance on these products as much as possible. Foamstream offers the perfect solution to be able to do this.

What does the dream weekend look like?
An ideal weekend for me is nice weather, a game of golf and watching whatever sport is on with my mates.

What is your bucket list destination?
I do have a few of these ,but the top three that I’d love to tick off some day are – skiing in Japan, learning to scuba dive and visiting the Galapagos Islands.

Which three people (living or dead) would you have at your dream dinner party and why?
1. Will Ferrel – just to throw some comedy in there.
2. Lewis Hamilton – I’m a big F1 fan from when I worked with Mercedes, and also think he’s a super interesting person with all the charity work he does.
3. David Chang, (celebrity chef) – someone would have to cook the dinner, and he also seems like a funny bloke.

How would your mates describe you?
It depends who you ask but I think that my mates would describe me as a bit of fun! I’m always for an activity, but in general I think they’d say I’m a happy personand always down for a bit of a laugh.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
I really can’t think of anything for this because I’m not really someone who gets embarrassed too easily since I’m usually doing something pretty silly!

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